Proud Mothers
Those Who Serve
Supporting our children, deployed troops,
Veterans, Gold Star Moms, and each other
We welcome Moms, families and friends from all over Connecticut
We are Moms, StepMoms, GrandMoms, Foster Moms, and Guardian Moms of children who are serving or have served our country honorably in the military, from boot camp through veteran status. We support our children, deployed troops, Veterans, Gold Star Mothers and each other through involvement in service and volunteering efforts both nationally and locally.
Welcome Dads, other family members and friends of those who serve! Come join us as associate members!
In our present difficult times we honor and assist ALL those who serve, military and civilian both.
If you have a child who works in a service profession, such as police, fire, or EMT, we would love to have you join us as an associate member!
Come join us at our monthly meeting
Our group meets on the third Wednesday of every month to plan events, discuss upcoming and ongoing functions, and of course, talk about our kids! It’s a wonderful way to support our children and members who serve and socialize with other moms.
We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you into our community.
Your generosity is vital to our mission. Without you, we would be unable to continue our work. We thank you
Join us
We welcome new members and associates! We are an active, vibrant community and YOU make our group better!
support us
Our special thanks to all the individual and corporate sponsors who provide us with goods, volunteer, and donate to the events closest to our hearts.
Donate Now
100% of your donation
goes directly to our work.
Join Us
Ready to join?
Apply now!
Send us a message
and we will be in touch!
Our Mission
We love our children, our troops, our Veterans, our Blue and Gold Star Moms and Families
We firmly believe that it is our duty to support them every day. Whether it is a pair of socks or a piece of candy, a funny card or an hour to read a book aloud. Packing boxes or manning an event booth. We work to collect needed items throughout the year. We work to create handmade items to gift or to sell to have more funds to do more good work. We give our time and our talents to support, comfort and enrich lives.
It is an honor to serve.

All That We Do
With love and gratitude to all whom we serve.

Upcoming Events
Bingo Fundraiser
Come join us for a fun afternoon!
Click here to read more.
June 9, 2024 1:00 pm doors open at 12:00 pm